ARDiS Procedure
ARDiS institution
ARDiS is an agency run by the Regione Friuli Venezia–Giulia, established to provide students with services (cafeteria and bar discounts) and financial support. As a Ph.D. student, you are entitled to discounts on lunches at the cafeterias of SISSA, ICTP, University of Trieste and partner restaurants. In order to enjoy this kind of discounts, first of all you should get your ISEE (“indicator of the equivalent economic situation”).
If you have an "assegno di ricerca" (research grant), the payment of the ARDiS TAX is not requested. Remember that you can not access to the ARDiS benefits.
Payment procedure
You can pay the ARDiS tax ONLY on PagoPA it PagoPa en website:
Instructions for payments with PagoPA.
Enter in "Descrizione causale" (Reason) field: Tassa ARDiS anno 20XX-20XX (please enter the current academic year)
If you have an ISEE or an ISEE ridotto, please pay the amount of the tax as follows:
1) Tax: € 120 ISEE below to € 27.726,79
2) Tax: € 140 ISEE between € 27.726,80 and € 55.453,58
3) Tax: € 160 ISEE above to € 55.453,58
If you do not have an ISEE, please pay € 160.
The strict deadline is the 15th of November, .
After you paid the tax, please send a receipt/screenshot of the payment to Object: "ARDiS tax payment 20XX-20XX - your SURNAME and Name".
Please check also ARDiS page here:
Italian citizens or foreign citizens with an Italian document
Please, register your personal information to ARDiS website. You must login with SPID or CIE credentials.
Other foreign citizens
In order to complete your subscription to ARDiS, you need to register on Esse3 website of the University of Trieste, then you need to complete the on-line registration on the ARDiS website. In order to login to ARDiS website, please use the credentials you created on Esse3 of the University of Trieste.
If you lost your password, please contact the helpdesk of Esse3 of University of Trieste:
For all
After login, 1) complete the mandatory procedure on the main page; 2) apply for the canteen discount by "Richiesta benefici/benefit request" button and NOT by "Richiesta benefici I.T.S/Benefit I.T.S. request" button.
Note: In order to get discounts, the above procedure must be done every year around the beginning of the new academic year. Ph.D. students who do not provide their ISEE within the established deadline will have to pay without fail the maximum annual fee and the highest price for the canteen service.
Here's the complete procedure described above: ARDiS Sportello Studente. The guide was gently prepared by the Students' Representatives.
You can ask for further help to Students' Representatives.
FAQ (under construction)
What happens if I do not have an ISEE?
You will be insered in the 3rd bracket of ARDiS benefits. You will pay the maximum price in the canteen and the maximum of ARDiS tax. In any case you will pay lees than the externals in the canteen.
What should I enter in the procedure on the website when the system asks me if I have a protocol number?
You should enter the number of the protocol of the ATTESTAZIONE ISEE, if you did it or choose "NO" if you do not have a valid ISEE for the current year.
What it means the alert on the ARDiS website which notifies me that I can't access to the benifits if I do not have an ISEE?
It regards ARDiS fellowships and residences that are not avilable to SISSA students in any case. It does not regard the discounts on the canteen.
bookAmeal & QR code procedure
bookAmeal version (Nov. 2022)
Free space required on your mobile: 40 Mb;
Minimum OS required: iPhone 6s; Android 7.0;
Compatible also with Huawei mobiles where Google Play is not supported.
QR code (former ARDiS card)
Here you can find the instructions to install the QR code (that you have to show in the canteen): ARDiS virtual canteen card
Cafeteria / Canteen Discount
Only with the ARDiS code you can apply for the cafeteria and canteen discounts.
Public Transport Discount
SISSA students are entitled to a 30% discount on the monthly/annual bus ticket of Trieste Trasporti. Detailed information can be found on link (unfortunately, an english version of the website is not available).
To get your discount:
- log-in (or, register) here
- Before purchasing a monthly or annual pass online, you need to get your own TPL ID card that allows you to access the bus services. In your personal area, choose “Abbonamenti e biglietti” and press “Acquista un abbonamento”. At this point, the online system may ask you to log in again. After that, press the key “Domanda di rilascio nuova tessera”, which redirects to a form (in Italian) to be filled out for completing the TPL ID card request. Notice that the form requires to upload the passport photo which will be attached to the TPL ID card in order to complete the procedure. The TPL ID card is valid for 5 years and it costs 5 euros.
- To purchase the ticket, choose again “Abbonamenti e biglietti” in the account area and click on “Acquista un abbonamento”
- Click on the icon of the shopping card and follow the instructions to finalise your purchase.
If you are not able to get your TPL ID card through the online procedure, you can go to the TPL FVG Ticket Office located in Via dei Lavoratori 2, which is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 1 PM and from 2 PM to 3 PM (except Friday in the afternoon). Remember to bring with you a passport photo together with your personal documents.