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WARNING: Rules and missions forms are going to be changed soon (fall 2009) this page will be updated and completed as soon as this happens

Mission means a trip to a location outside Trieste for scientific purposes. Sissa usually provides students with funds though it can be limited to the grant you have. This is subject to signature of the head of your department and to apply one should fill out a form called M1 and Estimation of Expenses before the mission. M1 form simply includes blanks about the type, date,location and purpose of the mission, your and sector head's signature and a section for advance payment. Estimation of expenses is simply about each type of expense: transport, accommodation, registration fee, daily allowance etc. that you are expected to forecast. Within 8 days after the end of the mission one has to hand in another form called M2, that is very similar to M1 but it requires you to give exact date,location and expenses of your mission. You are supposed to staple each receipt, bill or ticket on A4 papers, enumerate them and indicate them in your M2 form. Be aware that for missions in Italy one has to specify meal expenses so you'd better collect all of your bills. (Sissa reimburses three separate bills a day for breakfast,lunch and dinner.) However, for missions abroad this is not necessary.

As you can recognize easily almost all forms are in italian. Ask for help to your sector secretariat if you have any trouble.

Take into account that you can ask an advanced payment of up to 70% of the total estimated expense.

Suggestions to properly fill out the forms

You should:

  • print out the M2 form
  • fill in the M2 form - by yourself (Of course you can go to your sector secretariat with the printout of the M2 form unfilled if it's your first mission or you are not Italian, until there will be available an M2 form in English).
  • make sure that it is both legible and understandable;
  • if you ask for a daily allowance: indicate it and specify the number of days. Please note that you can ask for it if and only if you were on mission abroad and you had already asked for it in the estimation of the expenses form (the form you should have handled to your Sector Secretary along with the M1 before departure).
  • collect all the original tickets, boarding passes, receipts etc...you are going to ask to be reimbursed for;
  • put them in chronological order and number them;
  • stick them down neatly on one/more A4 sheets. The receipts must not stick out of the border of the A4 sheet(s). (Please, remember that other people have to check them so do not pile up them attached to the M2 and do not put simply them in a envelope);
  • Anyone but SISSA professors and researchers has to provide and attach to the M2 form a declaration of his/her actual presence to collaboration/attendance to the conference/meeting issued by a professor or the Organizing Committee of the conference...The declaration of presence/attendance has to be sent to you and attached to the form (ie do not ask them to send it to SISSA by post or email);

Only when you have fulfilled the aforesaid requirements you can handle to your Sector Secretariat the M2 filled form complete (of tickets, receipts and all other documents) and ask them about any other possible doubt about reimbursement.

IMPORTANT: If in doubt about what can be reimbursed please ask your Sector Secretariat in advance (even before booking and presenting the M1)!