ARDiS Procedure

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ARDISS institution

ARDISS is an agency run by the Regione Friuli Venezia–Giulia. It was created to provide students with services (cafeteria and bar discounts) and financial support. As a PhD student you are entitled to discounts on lunches at the cafeterias of SISSA, ICTP and the University of Trieste, and on the ARDISS tax. In order to enjoy this kind of discounts, first of all you should get your ISEE (“indicator of the equivalent economic situation”).

If you have an "assegno di ricerca" (research grant), the payment ARDISS TAX is not requested. Remember that you can not access to the ARDISS benefits.

Payment procedure

You can pay the ARDISS tax via bank transfer to the following bank account:

Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Bank: Unicredit Banca
IBAN: IT 95 Q 02008 02243 000002733637
Causale : Tassa ARDISS anno 20XX-20XX (please enter the current year)

If you have an ISEE or an ISEE ridotto, please pay the amount of the tax as follows:

  1. Tax: € 120 ISEE below to € 23.626,32 (or ISPE below to € 51.361,58)
  1. Tax: € 140 ISEE between € 23.626,33 and € 30.000,00 (or ISPE between € 51.361,59 and € 60.000,00)
  1. Tax: € 160 ISEE above to € 30.000,00 (or ISPE above to € 60.000,00)

If you do not have an ISEE/ISPE, please pay € 160.

The strict deadline is on November, 15th.

In order to complete your subscription to ARDISS, you need to register on Esse3 website of the University of Trieste, then you need to complete the on-line registration on the ARDISS website. In order to login to ARDISS website, please use the credentials you created on Esse3 of the University of Trieste.

After the payment, you can ask for the ARDISS card (please read section 8.1 of the Vademecum).

Cafeteria / Canteen Discount

If you have the ISEE in your possession, you can obtain cafeteria discounts by either:

  • going to the ARDISS office (University of Trieste, Salita M. Valerio 3 Trieste tel.

+390403595203/205, fax +390403595352;; opening hours (from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.)

  • filling in the on-line form present at this website. For this option, you first have to request a username and password from the Esse3 website.

Note: In order to get discounts, the above procedure must be done every year around the beginning of the new academic year. PhD students who do not provide their ISEE within the established eadline will have to pay without fail the maximum annual fee and the highest price for the canteen service.

If you are a first year student, approximately one week later, you should go to ARDISS and get your ARDISS card or “Tessera Mensa” that allows you to have proper discount at the canteen.

You can find more information and some help for the most tricky sections at section 8.1 of the Vademecum.

Public Transport Discount

As SISSA students, we are entitled to a 30% discount on the monthly/annual bus passes of Trieste Trasporti. Detailed information can be found at this link (unfortunately an english version of the website is not available).

To get your discount, log-in (or, register) here. Then choose "RICHIEDI ARDiSS" and fill it with the information required. After you hit "Invia richiesta" you should receive a confirmation email. The whole process should take no more than three working days.

For those of you who asked the reimbursement for COVID-19 offered by TPL-FVG: 1- the reimbursement is not compatible with the on-line shopping: so you have to choose the 5% discount for the on-line shopping or to use the COVID-19 reimbursement; 2- the ARDiSS discount is compatible with COVID-19 reimbursement. However we don't know yet if it is possible to buy the new ticket in any "tabaccheria" or if you need to go to TPL-FVG (former TT) main branch in Via dei Lavoratori 2. As soon as we know something we will let you know.