PhD graduation procedure

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The general principles governing the PhD final examination are established in

Art. 8.2 of the - Regolamento recante modalità di accreditamento delle sedi e dei corsi di dottorato e criteri per la istituzione dei corsi di dottorato da parte degli enti accreditati

Art.25 of the SISSA Statute

Art. 19 of the - Regolamento dei Corsi di PhD della SISSA (English translation in progress)

A PhD student must defend its research work in front of an examination committee composed by a minimum of two Faculty Members and two External Examiner-Opponent. For each candidate, the name of the External Examiner-Opponent will be proposed to the Faculty by the student’s supervisor.

The thesis must be sent as a pdf file to two external referees (and to the Students' Secretariat) at least one month before the defense (check exact rules of your course about this). At the same time the candidate will have to submit the following form to the Students' Secretariat: PhD request.

The external referees will then send back (to the student's supervisor andto the Students' Secretariat) a detailed report on the thesis that should clearly state whether the thesis can be defended on the expected date. They can also suggest corrections/improvements.

At least two days before the defense a pdf file of the thesis must be uploaded on the - SISSA Digital Library

- Regulations

- How to do it

This version thesis will be distributed to the members of the examination committee possibly one week before the examination date. The first page of the written thesis should fit this form available at the printing room, lower level. Printing is up to the student; binding can be done by the printing shop/store personnel.

Certificates and Diploma

Certificates in English can be simply asked to the Students' Secretariat (in person or by email)

If you need a nice diploma you should fill in this form and submit it to the Students' Secretariat.