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SPID - only for an Italian ID card holders

Sistema Pubblico d’Identità Digitale is the unified access system to the online services of the italian public administration. Citizens and companies can access these services through a unique digital identity. This system was introduced to cope with the ever increasing number of web services, in order to have a single account instead of different credentials. The system, in principle, should be integrable at European level.

In order to get your credentials you need to choose a service provider: some of them have a free subscription, some other have a fee to pay at the moment of the recognition. The insertion of the data generally requires 10 to 15 minutes. Then you will have to set an appointment (physical or virtual) to validate the registration. We suggest to subscribe to the National Post Service (Poste Italiane) as a provider. You can register here.

Also people coming from a country not belonging to EU can obtain their SPID credentials. However they must already have

  • the Health National Service card (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale or SSN in italiano)
  • an Italian document

For more information: SPID (Italian digital identity)