Student Visa

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Depending on your citizenship, your country of residence, you may need to obtain a visa to enter Italy. In order to help you find out whether you need an entry visa or not and which documents are required in order to apply, you can simply query the data base of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


  • Where to apply for the visa?

In order to obtain your visa, you have to apply for it in the Italian Emabssy of your country of residence. By selecting in [1] your country of residence, the database provides the contact information and the webpage of the Italian Emabassy there. In each web page you can find the Embassy's schedule (holidays, working hours, etc) and the application procedures.

  • What type of visa do I need?

A STUDENT VISA TYPE D (= "long-term") is requiered in order to fullfil your Ph.D Studies in SISSA.

By selecting in [2] your nationality, your residence, the length (more than 90 days), and the reason of visit (STUDY: Study Grants) the database provides the right information about the documents and procedures you have to follow in order to optain your visa.

  • What documents do I need in order to apply for the STUDENT VISA TYPE D?

- The visa application form.

- Passport-sized photo.

- Valid passport.

- Letter of Admission in SISSA.

- Proof of having been awarded a study grant by the Italian government, recognized foundations or cultural institutes, international organizations, foreign governments or universities. Where the amount of the grant is in need of supplementation to satisfy the required amount of means of support. (Letter from SISSA stating that you have recived the scholarship).

- Travel ticket.

- Health insurance

- Italian exam (?)

- Declaration of the availability of suitable accommodation/appropriate lodgings in Italy as well as the funds necessary for repatriation, possibly supported by a return airline ticket.


- Before applying for the visa for study purposes, we suggest you check carefully the apllication procedures requiered for the Italian Emabassy of your country of residence.

- For the interview, take all the documentation that you have, even though they dont ask for it.


- Make sure that the Italian Embassy has put a stamp on your invitation letter or on pre-enrolment form. Either of these documents with the stamp of the Visa Office is necessary to apply for the permit of stay once you are in Italy.