Contribution towards living expenses

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All SISSA students in possess of a legal contract are entitled to get a contribution towards living expenses, which consists of 100 euros per month. This contribution will be given at the end of the academic year.

How to do it

Starting from 2014, the contribution towards living expenses will be paid per calendar year (January to December of each year) and not per academic year, so the methods of submission of the requests are as follows:

  • the requests of contribution must be submitted to the Student Secretariat no later than 31 July except first year students that will have submit the application no later than 31 December of the first year of the course;
  • those who submit the request by 31st July and have a rent contract that does not cover the entire period of the calendar year, may submit a request of integrations of the previous one, with the details of the new contract or the renewal to cover the remaining period, no later than 31st December of each year.

Late requests will not be accepted, whatever the cause (as state by the Administrative Council of 26.04.2012)

Here you can find information about which documents you have to enclose to the request and special cases.

Academic Year 2013/14 only

, for those who HAVE NOT submitted the request for the contribution within 17 Jan. 2014, it will be possible to submit the request no later than August, the 31st 2014, to obtain the contribution from January 2014. In this case, the contribution for the period from October / November to December 2013 will not be paid.

Taxation allowances

With reference to the DECLARATION in accordance with and for the effects of art. 23 of DPR 600/1973 and subsequent modifications for Taxation Allowances (art. 13, DPR 917/1986) and in accordance with arts. 46 and 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000 we specify that:

The allowances for employee status or equivalent are deductions that can be applied to employee-like incomes (such as contribution towards living expenses) and that have to be applied proportionally to the period of the activity (in case of the contribution towards living expenses, for the academic year: from 1 October or 1 November till 30 September or 31 October). These allowances permit you to pay less taxes on the income you receive. In case of small annual incomes, such as contribution towards living expenses, allowances are very high and permit you to receive the whole amount of the contribution. You are eligible for these allowances if you receive employee-like incomes. If you receive other employee-like incomes, in addition to the contribution towards living expenses (for example collaborations – 150 hours and "tutorato" excluded), on which you request the application of allowances, you are advised not to request these allowances also on the contribution towards living expenses, as you would risk  exceeding the limit permitted.  This would result in you having to return the sum when submitting your income tax declaration.

See also