Usually all candidates admitted to a SISSA PhD program are awarded a fellowship. The yearly gross amount of the fellowship is of € 16.248,00. This means € 1.195,47 net per month.
Your fellowship is considered by Italy a tax-free income hence your personal income in Italy is - considering only this fellowship and the other contributions from SISSA, that are not regarded as tax free in principle - so low that you (usually - but still you have to check) don't reach the income threshold required to pay taxes in Italy.
The fellowship is paid on the 25th of each month and it's payable only on a personal bank account (in whichever bank you prefer).
It is possible, for first year students, to get the first month fellowship at the beginning of their PhD and, in particular cases, also the second month fellowship.
It is a remarkable possibility for students coming from far countries and in need of an immediate bunch of money at their arrival (for further info contact the Students' Secretariat at