Preselection Application for Non European Candidates
Please note that actually preselection applications for non-EU candidates are not active.
Outstanding candidates who are not citizens of the European Union (EU) member states may be admitted by means of a preselection which takes place every Spring, based on their Academic and Scientific qualifications.
Applicants interested in participating in this preselection must hold a University degree which qualifies them for a Ph.D. program. For more information about the various courses, you can click here.
An online application must be filled and sent using the procedure available at this page during the period January-March.
Candidates who studied abroad Italy should upload the documents and the certificates required in the announcements.
Candidates who studied in Italy must provide self-certifications of the required documents (see art.15, L. 183/2011 & art. 46, D.P.R. 445/2000).
The final degree must be obtained before October 31st, if a candidate does not have it at the time of application, he/she can submit it even after the deadline.
- Any further information which the candidate may consider useful will be welcome.
When choosing the Ph.D. course(s) candidates have to indicate the names and e-mail addresses of two professors that will be asked to send a recommendation letter through the same online procedure.
A confirmation message will be sent to the candidate when he/she will complete the application process.
The candidate has to print out the admission request form, sign it and send it together with a copy of an ID document (i.e. passport) by fax or post to the address printed on the form itself.
The results of the selection will be communicated by the end of April.
Admitted candidates will be expected to pass a qualifying examination within the first year of study. All necessary information about the online procedure can be found at this page.
For further information, check the Ph.D. Application FAQ.
You can also contact the Students' Secretariat: .