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For the moment (this means it is going to change soon) SISSA has buildings in three locations.
For the moment (this means it is going to change soon) SISSA has buildings in three locations.
One is the main campus known as Physics Center in Miramare [http://maps.google.it/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=it&q=&vps=1&jsv=171b&sll=41.442726,12.392578&sspn=14.580764,27.553711&ie=UTF8&geocode=FTxnuQIdbVLRAA&split=0], which includes also ICTP [http://ictp.it] buildings.
One is the main campus known as Physics Center in Miramare [http://maps.google.it/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=it&geocode=&q=miramare+trieste&sll=41.442726,12.392578&sspn=14.580764,27.421875&ie=UTF8&ll=45.703624,13.719478&spn=0.003319,0.006695&t=h&z=17], which includes also ICTP [http://ictp.it] buildings.

Revision as of 19:16, 18 August 2009

For the moment (this means it is going to change soon) SISSA has buildings in three locations. One is the main campus known as Physics Center in Miramare [1], which includes also ICTP [2] buildings.