SISSA provides a housing office that will help you find a permanent house in Trieste, and will support you with the rental contract. To contact it write to .
In the following you will find some practical advice, about the housing in Trieste:
First days in Trieste
If you have not found a permanent house in Trieste, and need a temporary accommodation for the first days in Trieste, we recommend the following places, which are reasonable in price and are close to the SISSA-Miramare area:
- ICTP Galileo guest house - To reserve you must ask either your Sector Secretary or the Students Secretariat (see SISSA staff), you mustn't contact them directly
- ICTP Adriatico guest house - To reserve you must ask either your Sector Secretary or the Students Secretariat (see SISSA staff), you mustn't contact them directly
- Youth hostel Tergeste
Permanent house in Trieste
Italian and foreign students can normally find accommodation in Trieste within a few days from their arrival. Usually two or three students share a flat, costing from 150 to 400 Euro each per month. Announcements of rooms or apartments available, or of students looking for fellow students to share, are put on the notice board on the ground floor of the SISSA Main Building in Miramare. Announcements (in Italian) can also be found by consulting the web site IL MERCATINO. A regular rent contract lasts for at least six months (typically a year), and it is mandatory for SISSA students to have a legal housing contract.