Students:Community Portal
From Students@SISSA wiki
How to contribute
For legal reasons we cannot allow anyone edit this wiki. Editors should be authorized in advance. Currently only Students' representatives and the winners of the 150 hours contest are authorized. If you think that anything is missing you can send an email (see the Main Page) asking for a new topic to be covered.
On this page we will list all new topics requests that we received. If you want, and your supervisor is not going to get angry, you can ask to be the editor for one of the missing topic. Once you get your name listed here as assignee you can start to write you contents using a standard a text editor. After we get your text we will review it and if it's ok we will publish it crediting you as author.
Priority | Topic - Page name | Listed on | Assigned to |
High | SISSA rules | 14.09.2009 |