Sport teams

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In Trieste there are quite a lot of sporting activities and facilities available. If you want to practice sport with other SISSA students or with other university students you'll find some info here that might be useful.


There are a lot of informal sports teams active in SISSA. We are planning to create an association (which will be called SISSA Club) in order to help anyone wishing to practice a sport with some useful contacts to find sports partners. A short list of the sports practiced by SISSA students (and staff) includes: soccer (of course), swimming, sailing, climbing, speleology, skiing, basketball and tennis. Until we can manage to start the SISSA club activities (it should be early next fall) everyone who is willing to set up (and maintain) a mailing list - or whatever else - in order to organize sport games can ask its contact to be enclosed here.

CUS Trieste

As a PhD student you are entitled to join the CUS (Centro Universitario Sportivo), [1]which is the sports association of the University of Trieste. The CUS organizes every year almost twenty different sport courses (with CUS selected instructors or in with an agreement with other sporting associations)- i.e. you're entitled to a discount.


The main building of the Trieste University. Surrounded by the red square the Students' Secretariat entrance.

If you want to join you have to go to the Cus Secretariat with the following:

  • An application form filled in with your data. The form is available here (only in Italian);
  • A certificate from a general practitioner saying that you're fit for non-professional sporting activities (idoneità alla pratica sportiva non agonistica). This certificate can be obtained either from your general practitioner if you have one or by the CUS doctor;
  • 15 euros + 3 euros if you want to have an additional sport injuries insurance (one is already included once you pay the 15 euros);

All the documents (and the euros) must be handed in to the CUS Secretariat which is located within the Trieste University Students' Secretariat (Segreteria studenti): ground floor - right wing - main building of the university in piazzale Europa. In order to get there you can take the bus n. 4 - 17 or 17/ . Once you arrive you have to take a reservation ticket (or reservation number) from an automated dispenser for the desk number one (sportello CUS). The ticket should be marked with a letterE.

The desk is open on Mo-Tu-Th-Fr from 9 am to 10:30 am - but you can get a reservation ticket starting at 8:30 am - and on Mo-Th from 15.15 to 16.15 - reservation tickets are issued starting at 14:45.


If you are already enrolled in the National Healthcare System you can go to your general practitioner and ask him for this certificate (idoneità alla pratica sportiva non agonistica) or you can obtain it from the CUS doctor. If you are not enrolled in the NHS, even if you could go to any general practitioner, we suggest that you go to the CUS doctor. The certificate - if obtained from the CUS doctor - costs 20 euros. General practitioners are free to charge a fee around 20 euros for it.

The CUS doctor is available according to the schedule published here (look for orari del medico). His office is located inside the CUS palestra:

Address: Via Monte Cengio 2 Telephone: 04052380