Car rental

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There a lot of car rental agencies (autonoleggi) in Trieste. Usually in order to rent a car you'll have to show:

Some rental agencies require credit card payments and some others apply penalties - or refuse to rent - if the driver is under 25. You are warned to check in advance. The agency may ask you to be the only person who actually drives the car while in your possession (failure to comply could result in a refusal to pay any damages by the insurance company).

'WARNING: Remember that it is your responsibility to check before leaving the agency that the car is equipped with:

  • an emergency triangle
  • a document showing that a regular car insurance has been activated for your car
  • the original carta di circolazione (i.e. the document that shows that the car has been registered with the competent Italian office)

These are compulsory requirements in order not to be fined in Italy. It's worth also asking about the presence of a back up wheel and of an emergency jacket.