ISEE Procedure

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The ISEE application procedure ISEE is the same for Italian citizens and not-Italian citizens. However, not-Italian citizens must complete some preliminary procedures, like appointing Italy as their Residence country or other options described below.

In this context, a resident in Italy is a person who has been registered at the registry office (in Italian “ufficio anagrafe") and has a valid permit of stay. In any case, in order to carry out any INPS procedure you are required to own a SPID or, alternatively, a PIN DISPOSITIVO (which nowadays is available only for people with residence outside Italy).

You can find the same information at section 12.3 of the Vademecum.

Information for all

To begin with the procedure you need to have a SPID or a CIE (carta d'identità elettronica).

You can obtain the ISEE on your own from here (more info about the detailed procedure is coming). If you need help filling in the form, you can call a CAF (center for fiscal assistance) to schedule an appointment. Any CAF is fine, though the student representatives recommend the CAF-UIL (Via Polonio 5, tel.:+39040638251) and CAF-CISL (Piazza Dalmazia, 1, tel.:+390406791311). There, you should present the documentation needed and ask for the “reduced ISEE for Ph.D. students" (in Italian “ISEE ridotto per dottorandi").“ISEE ridotto" takes into account only your personal financial resources without considering your entire family. It is very likely that it will allow you to benefit from a greater discount. All the process will likely be in Italian, ask an Italian friend or one of the representatives for help if necessary. They can also help you in case the CAF incorrectly refuses to ask for the “ISEE ridotto".

The following is a list of what you have to provide to get your ISEE:

  • your fiscal code (“Codice Fiscale”)
  • a valid identity card
  • your income of two years ago (i.e., in 2023 you should provide your incomes for the year 2021) even if they were not taxed (i.e.: you should provide your Ph.D. fellowship, which can be found at this website -access with usual SISSA credentials-, and eventual part-time positions at Universities and/or SISSA)
  • owned property for residential purposes during the last year and/or paid rent during the last year
  • balance and average stocks of all your bank accounts regarding the last year
  • certification of any disabilities
  • vehicles registration numbers (if they have 500 cc or more), boats owned

Note that if you present documents which display currencies different from the euro you have to convert them according to the average annual exchange rate.

This website lists all CAF offices that have an agreement with ARDiS. Make sure to choose a CAF located in Trieste!

Information for Not-Italian residents only

If you belong to this category, you can take two different roads. We recommend the second one, as it provides you with documents useful for other bureaucratic procedures.

  • ask for PIN DISPOSITIVO and obtain the ISEE through INPS website
  • obtain a SPID or a CIE, which accounts for:
  1. Obtain the permit of stay and the health insurance card
  2. ask for PIN DISPOSITIVO through INPS website or through the INPS office in via Sant’Anastasio, in order to enroll to gestione separata (needed to pay taxes on the salary)
  3. Once you have the permit of stay card, you can start the procedure to move you residence in Italy (it will take around 45 days to be completed)
  4. Purchase the CIE (cost of 22€)
  5. Finally ask for SPID

Once you have the SPID or CIE, you can call a CAF that has an agreement with ARDiS and then provide them with the documentation needed. These documents must be either translated or certified by an Italian consulate in your home country.

Now you can read the section above "Information for all".