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Erdisu is a region run agency created to provide students with services (cafeteria and bar discounts) and financial support. As PhD students we are entitled to get cafeteria discounts and to ask for an accommodation in an erdisu-owned building. At Erdisu we can get the Trieste Universitaria card that is useful if we want to have discounts in some sport facilities, in theaters, etc...

Cafeteria (& SISSA Bar) discounts

In order to get these discounts you have to apply for an ERDISU card. In order to apply you have to fill-in an on line request plus a paper form - we are trying to get a translated version of this form; if you need help in filling it out ask for guidance at the ERDISU office - and to go to the ERDISU offices (opening hours) with a passport-sized picture. As soon as you get there you should state that you want a tessera mensa and that you are a SISSA student. We strongly advice you to go there with someone fluent in Italian.

Once you have your card you can immediately use it at the ICTP cafeterias (either in Leonardo or in Adriatico). After a few days you'll be able to use it also at the SISSA bar in Miramare main building (WARNING: it can take some time before your card is activated for the bar). You can use the card twice per day. You'll be entitled to get a full meal at 4.30€ (until the end of 2009). There is the possibility to pay even less provided that you can get an ISEE certificate. Unfortunately this is almost impossible for any non Italian student. In order to get this certificate you should obtain an officially translated (by a consulate) copy of your parents (and brothers or sisters) income declarations plus a translated document that clearly states whether your family owns any building, their value, and the exact amounts of your family savings. For those who have an ISEE certificate the required values are:

Price for a full meal ISEE ISPE
€ 2.20 18248.85 30794.94
€ 3.30 30000 48600

Accommodation in an Erdisu owned building

Riccardo I need your help :)

Trieste Universitaria card

You can ask for it at the ERDISU. They will make you fill a request and take you a picture. At the end they'll give you a temporary paper card saying that the official one will be delivered to SISSA as soon as it's ready. You can take a look to the trieste universitaria web site in order to know in which shops and for which services you're entitled to get discounts.


ERDISU offices are located near the University of Trieste and can be reached using bus n. 4 or n. 17 - 17/