Contribution towards living expenses
Istructions to fill in the contributions forms
SISSA Ph.D. students in possess of a legal contract are entitled to get a contribution towards living expenses, which consists of € 150,00 per month.
Exception are:
- Students with "assegno di ricerca" (research assignement);
- Students whose fellowship and contributions are ruled by a specific contract with external bodies (research institutes, industries, etc.);
- Students lodged in the ARDiS apartments.
How to do it
- The requests of contribution must be submitted no later than 31st July. The on-line procedure automatically sends your request to
- The contribution is usually paid in September/October.
- You have to ask for the contribution every year, from 1st January to 31st July. Your request DOES NOT COVER AN ACADEMIC YEAR BUT A CALENDAR YEAR (I.E. 2022, 2023, 2024, etC.)
- Students who submit the request by 31st July and have a rent contract that does not cover the entire period of the calendar year, may submit another request to cover the remaining period, no later than 31st December of each year. The remaining part of the contribution will be paid in January/February
- First year students, will have to submit the application for contribution no later than 31st December. The contribution for the period from the beginning of the academic year to 31st December will be paid by the end of February.
All students can use this dedicated form
Late requests will not be accepted, whatever the cause (as stated by the Board of Directors council of 26.04.2012)
Taxation allowances
With reference to the DECLARATION in accordance with and for the effects of art. 23 of DPR 600/1973 and subsequent modifications for Taxation Allowances (art. 13, DPR 917/1986) and in accordance with arts. 46 and 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000 we specify that:
Deductions for employed or equivalent status are deductions that can be applied to income assimilated to employment (such as the contribution to living expenses) and that must be applied in proportion to the period of activity (in the case of the contribution to living expenses, for the academic year: from 1st October or 1st November to 30th September or 31st October). These deductions make it possible to pay less tax on the income received. In the case of small annual incomes, as in the case of the living expenses contribution, the deductions are very high and allow you to receive the full amount of the contribution. You can benefit from these deductions if you receive an income assimilated to employment. If, in addition to the contribution to living expenses, you receive other income from employment (e.g. collaboration - 150 hours and 'tutoring' excluded), on which you claim deductions, it is advisable not to claim these deductions on the contribution to living expenses as well, as you would risk exceeding the permitted limit. This would result in the amount being returned in the tax return.