Bank account

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As you'll notice Trieste is full of banks. A bank account usually comes with an ATM card, the possibility to request a direct debit of bills (this last possibility - usually called addebito bancario or RID in Italian - is useful in order to get some savings on the bills themselves), the possibility to have your fellowship paid directly into the account. These services come with some bank charges. If you want to open a bank account you should carefully check all the conditions that regulate the account itself and you might want to open an account taking advantage of your student status to get some savings. In this case you have to present the bank with a letter/certificate from SISSA stating that you are enrolled as PhD student. As usual you'll have to show your ID document, your codice fiscale and (probably) you permit of stay.

On the Trieste universitaria web site 3 banks have inserted a description of their designed-for-students bank accounts:

Bank name Account nickname Benefits for students? English info? Notes
Banca Popolare di Vicenza Feel Free Yes No
Banca Popolare Friuladria ContoIO No No
Unicredit Banca Genius giovani Yes, if under (or aged) 27 Yes 1
Unicredit Banca Genius one No No 1


  1. Keep in mind that Unicredit bank - and specifically the office located in the ICTP Fermi Building - is the bank used by SISSA and so it is accustomed to all SISSA procedures.